
My PL - Restorative Practices

0.5 credits


Full course description

Credit: 0.5 USBE

Course Type: Online; Asynchronous

Course Level: Beginner

Cost: Free to Davis School District Employees; $55 for out of district participants

My PL Courses-

These courses are open-entry/exit with no enrollment cap. All coursework and assignments can be completed at the participants' own pace. This course must be completed by 8/15/2022.

This course is designed to familiarize educators, principals, school counselors and other school support staff with restorative practices and how they align with practices in SEL and PBIS. Restorative Practices are about a shift in mindset from punishing to helping individuals repair harm caused by their actions. Restorative practices shifts away from a punitive system of blame This course will help teachers begin making the shift from traditional behavior management programs to classrooms that run and thrive on restorative justice.  

Sign up for this course today!
